Today is National “I Love My Feet” Day As Well!

Of course, this holiday sounds ridiculous at first, and I felt the same way when I first heard of it, but as I do more research, this is an important day to know about.

National I Love My Feet Day is all about taking the time to appreciate how valuable our feet are and take care of them. Our feet are almost like forgotten heroes in a way. We rarely ever think about them unless they cause us pain, but think about this. We walk constantly all day using our feet. Imagine if you did not have feet, how drastically your routine would change.
No more driving, no more walking, even up the stairs for food or using the restroom, no mobility, no freedom. We seem to take them for granted, and expect to always have them.
Today, take the time to pamper your feet. Soak them in warm water, get a pedicure or a foot massage, clip your toe nails, something in that range. Check your circulation and make sure your shoes fit. Buy insoles to take some pressure and weight off of your feet during the day.
Elevating your feet when you sit is a relaxing way to help reduce swelling. Stretching, walking or having a gentle foot massage aids circulation. A warm foot bath is also helpful. Make sure your feet are dry before putting on shoes. Wearing shoes when outside provides your feet better protection.
75% of the adult population has a foot problem and improper shoe choices account for the majority of those problems. Wearing properly fitted shoes with good arch support, getting foot massages and regular pedicures can reduce foot problems in the long run.
If you work at a fast food restaurant, where you on constantly on your feet, take the time to relax them.
Again, if you still believe that this is a silly thing to talk about, imagine living without your feet. It isn’t hard at all to go a little out of your way every night and treat your body right. After all, it’s always been there for us.

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